
Strange blue underlines :

*open a document you have

*then "new file"
*layout, choose language "francais"

*switch to the other document
*copy (Ctrl-C) something

*switch back to the new document
*paste (Ctrl-V) 

Now strange blue lines appear, and the document works weird in some cases
: like in the "letter" document, once you have the blue lines the fact
of changing the language doesn't do anything to the output (the date, for
example, stays in english even if you choose "french" instead of
"francais"). So the document is doomed, and even if you close it and
reopen it, the blue lines stay.

But what are those blue lines ? I didn't find any reference to it in the
users guide or any guide. Why don't I see an error like "francais doesn't
work here" ?



  Yann Le Du                      E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Theoretical Physics             Web   : http://cdfinfo.in2p3.fr/~ledu/
  1, Keble Road
  University of Oxford
  Oxford, OX1 3NP                 Phone : (44) (0)1865 273 989
  United Kingdom                  Fax   : (44) (0)1865 273 947

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