In a figure (float) caption, I want to put within the text some math
symboles. If I use for instance an overrightarrow over even a single
letter, I get an error from Latex. With Lyx 1.04, this error was
ignored, (no grey box) and the DVI came out all right (fine for me).
With Lyx 1.15 the error is caught, and I get a grey box in my Lyx
document, and no DVI (bad for me). Actually, Lyx 1.04 and 1.15 write the
same Latex code, which triggers the same error.

These errors come when I use overrightarrow, overbrace, etc., but not
with overline or tilde!

Latex error looks like this :

! Illegal parameter number in definition of \reserved@a.
<to be read again>
l.40 ...n isolant, soit un conducteur métalique. }

My questions are the following (I am not (yet) a Latex guru, thanks Lyx)
- Has anybody got the same problem.
- Is it related to a specific Latex distribution
- Is it related to a package
- Is there a workaround within Lyx 1.15

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