Guido Milanese wrote:

> I installed the excellent bibliography manager called
> "tkbibtex". It works very well, and was able to digest a big
> file with about 1000 entries. I have a problem with this
> bibliographic manager + LyX. I think I did what is required for
> the setup of the pipe to and from LyX:
> -- added
>         \serverpipe "/home/guido/.lyxpipe"
> to my .lyxrc file;

Is /home/guido/.lyxpipe local or is it on a server?  You cannot 
create pipe-files on a remote filesystem.  I had a similar 
problem and my solution was to specify:

\serverpipe "/tmp/lyxpipe"

which is local.

Bruce Veidt                 
National Research Council   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Box 248                     (250)493-2277
Penticton, BC  V2A 6K3      fax: 493-7767

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