
I am new to this list (reading now for 2 weeks) and new to lyx.

I tried to translate a letter form word to lyx.
This leads me to a bug which I like to report to you.

I am not decided, if it works as designed, or if it is my fault not to
know all these nice tricks. But I still have the problem to get some
fomular documents from the most spreaded text writing program "Word".
And if I want to use it in lyx I must convert it.

So please let me know, if you know any better solution for my steps
improving the results.

1. I converted the document with "word2x" into latex.
2. then I "reLyX" the latex-document.
3. I tried to open this document with LyX (klyx) --> unexpected quit!
(see below)

As I am not very familar with TEX I cannot find what to to between these
steps by manual editing. May be You can give me some hints on it.

The "bug" occured during opening the reLyX(ed) file Sitzun_1.tex /*.lyx
-- both are included as well as the original Word-document.
The TeX-file was obtained from word2x-converter of Sitzun_1.doc.

Im am using klyx with SuSe 6.4 distribution.
The about-Dialog says:

        klyx 0.10.0 which is based on
        lyx 0.10-0.12

I carefully read the section known bugs with no results. 

BTW, second I used LyX Version 1.14fix1 2000.Feb.16, and it reports the
same error.

Any hints?

---8<----   Nr 1
bash-2.03# klyx&
[1] 21370
Defchset: iso8859-1, defencoding: latin1, deflang: de/german
System directory search path: /root;/opt/kde/share/apps/klyx;
ASSERT: "text != 0" in widgets/qlistbox.cpp (658)
ASSERT: "text != 0" in widgets/qlistbox.cpp (658)
ASSERT: "text != 0" in widgets/qlistbox.cpp (658)
ASSERT: "text != 0" in widgets/qlistbox.cpp (658)
ASSERT: "text != 0" in widgets/qlistbox.cpp (658)
ASSERT: "text != 0" in widgets/qlistbox.cpp (658)
ASSERT: "text != 0" in widgets/qlistbox.cpp (658)
ASSERT: "text != 0" in widgets/qlistbox.cpp (658)
Math parse error: unexpected '_'

lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. If possible, please read 'Known
under the Help menu and then send us a full bug report. Thanks!
----8<---- begin Nr2 obtained by inserting the document into a new file
Math parse error: unexpected '_'
Line ~892350831: Math parse error: Unrecognized environment

lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. If possible, please read 'Known
under the Help menu and then send us a full bug report. Thanks!
LyX: Versuche Speichern des Dokuments /root/.lyx/doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx
  1) /root/.lyx/doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx.emergency
  Speichern scheint gelungen zu sein. Glück gehabt!
LyX: Versuche Speichern des Dokuments
/usr/share/lyx/templates/unbenannt.lyx als...
  1) /usr/share/lyx/templates/unbenannt.lyx.emergency
  Speichern scheint gelungen zu sein. Glück gehabt!

Thanks for reading and thinking about it.


Hochschule Bremen                     Labor fuer Hochspannungstechnik
Dr.-Ing. Michael Hartje          Neustadtswall 30        28199 Bremen
Telefon: +49 421 5905-3444                     FAX: +49 421 5905-3476
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]          http://www.fbe.hs-bremen.de


#This file was created by <root> Sun Aug 20 01:39:27 2000
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
\lyxformat 2.15
\textclass article
\hbox to 0pt{\hbox to \wd0{\hfill\,\rm R\hfill}\hss}%

\layout Standard

1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
2 1 1 "" ""
0 2 3 0 0 0 0 "" ""

VDE Bezirksverein Bremen e.V.
 * Utbremer Str.
 90 * 28217 Bremen 

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
2 1 1 "" ""
2 0 1 "" ""
2 0 1 "" ""
0 2 3 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 2 3 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 2 3 0 0 0 0 "" ""



\layout Standard

 Verband der Elektrotechnik
\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

Bezirksverein Bremen e.V.
\layout Standard

\i \"{a}
\layout Standard

1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
2 1 1 "" ""
2 0 1 "" ""
0 2 3 0 0 0 0 "" ""
0 2 3 0 0 0 0 "" ""

Mo., Mi., Do.
 9.00 -- 12.00 Uhr 




\layout Standard


\layout Standard

Vorstandssitzung 04.09.2000
\layout Standard

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
\layout Standard

\i \"{a}

\latex latex 

\backslash ss{}
\latex default 
\i \"{o}
chten wir Sie an die n
\i \"{a}
chste Vorstandssitzung am
\layout Standard

4.9.2000, 16.30 Uhr
\layout Standard

im Hause der Telekom Niederlassung NL 1, Utbremer Str.
\layout Standard

Raum 2.338 (Konferenzraum neben der Gesch
\i \"{a}
\layout Standard

\layout Standard

Als Tagesordnungspunkte sind geplant :
\layout Standard


\layout Standard

Wir bitten um weitere Vorschl
\i \"{a}
ge f
\i \"{u}
r die Tagesordnung an die Gesch
\i \"{a}
ftsstelle und w
\i \"{u}
rden uns freuen, wenn m
\i \"{o}
glichst alle Vorstandsmitglieder an der Sitzung teilnehmen k
\i \"{o}
\layout Standard

Weiterhin l
\i \"{a}
dt die Zweigstelle Bremerhaven anl
\i \"{a}

\latex latex 

\backslash ss{}
\latex default 
lich des 30j
\i \"{a}
hrigen Jubil
\i \"{a}
ums den Vorstand zur
\layout Standard

Fahrt auf dem Tonnenleger ein (urspr
\i \"{u}
nglicher Termin war mangels Teilnehmer abgesagt worden).
\layout Standard

Neuer Termin:
\layout Standard

 September 2000, 7.30 Uhr ab Tonnenhof Bremerhaven
\layout Standard

(Partner k
\i \"{o}
nnen bitte nur unter Vorbehalt mit gemeldet werden, da Herr Eden erst einmal
 die Anzahl der Teilnehmer sammeln mu
\latex latex 

\backslash ss{}
\latex default 
 und dann erst entscheiden kann, ob gen
\i \"{u}
gend Pl
\i \"{a}
tze vorhanden sind.)
\layout Standard

Meldungen bitte bis 1.
 September 2000 an die Gesch
\i \"{a}
ftsstelle oder direkt an Herrn Eden in Bremerhaven.
\layout Standard

Mit freundlichen Gr
\i \"{u}
\layout Standard

VDE -- Bezirksverein Bremen
\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\layout Standard

 ." "" 
\begin_inset Formula \( \backslash
\latex latex 

\backslash )*
\latex default 
\layout Standard

\layout Standard

 ." "" 
\begin_inset Formula \( \backslash
\latex latex 

\backslash )*
\latex default 
\layout Standard

VDE im InternetGesch
\i \"{a}
ftsstelle i.
 Deutsche Telekom NL1Bankverbindungen
\layout Standard

http://www.item.uni-bremen.de/vdeUtbremer Str.
 90, 28217 BremenSparkasse Bremen, Konto 105 33 88, BLZ 290 501 01
\layout Standard

http://www.vde.deTelefon 0421/ 380 -9910, Fax 0421/ 380 -9913Postbank Hamburg,
 Konto 4239-201, BLZ 200 100 20


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