Emanuele Olivetti wrote:
> I'm back from holidays .. :-(       ;-)

i have still 8 days ... :-)

> This works, but generate my BIG problem: LaTeX ask to "redefine" also
> "proof" with \renewtheorem ; I added (don't laugh...) :
> \renewtheorem{proof}{Dimostrazione}[section]

this is the problem with the old algorithm-style from ams. therefore
i always use komascript (book) and than ntheorem-style.

> but LaTeX starts to numerate Proofs! No, this is not good.
> so I tried:
> \renewtheorem{proof}{Dimostrazione}
> Numbers again (other kind of numeration)... :-((
> How can I avoid proof numbering?


\theoremstyle{nonumberplain} % only valid for the following \newtheorems
or \renewtheorems 
\newtheorem{myproof}{Proof} % or \renewtheorem{proof}...

in text 
holidays holidays holidays ... :-)

with \renewtheorem{proof} you can use lyx paragraphh-style for proof.



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