Today I finished my master thesis, but I still have two problems:
The most important is that one of my figures is not inserted in my
document. This is a small figure in a floatflt environment. The problem is
that this figure follows after a huge figure float containing three
figures. This float is printed on a separate page, but LaTeX seems to be
unable to insert the small figure before the huge one. I inserted the large
float at the very beginning of the section it belongs to.
How can I solve this? My preferences for the insertion of floats are htbp.
Changing to !htbp does not solve my problem.

My second problem is that the captions are hardly discernable from the
normal text. I want to print them in a slightly smaller font and italic.
How can I change the caption environment?

Thanks in advance,


P.S. My document is 54 pages, contains 15 figurefloats with 25 figures,
about 10 tables and hundreds of equations. And still LyX runs smoothly! On
a 486! A great achievement.

Martijn Brouwer

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