Hi out there!

I have installed a new Linux-System on my computer (SUSE-7.0). 

With the older system before,

starting and working with lyx-1.1.4fix3 was no problem, I wrote my whole
thesis (160 pages, lots of graphics, ...) with it.

Now on the new system I installed again (with Yast1) this lyx-version,
but I cannot start it anymore now.

When I start lyx on a console-window I get the following error-message:

"lyx: error in loading shared libraries: libforms.so.0.89: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory"

Can somebody tell me what I have to do?  It is quite urgent because I
should now do some final work and correction on my thesis-file and than
print it to have it accepted by my Professor and my University.

thx a lot in advance for your help, 
yours, Richard:-)

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