On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 14:18:28 +0100 José_Luis_Gómez_Dans 

>       Enough ranting. I have to do a poster, and I want to include a
> couple of papers I have written in lyx in the past, so as to avoid
> re-doing the whole thing again. I have found a latex poster package with
> a poster example on the web. This looks _very sexy_, and I thought I
> might want to use the example document, import it into lyx (it's a tex
> file), and then copy & paste my own stuff. I have tried to
> relyx it, but lyx
>   Cannot find layout file aastexposter.layout in dir(s) /home/jgomez/.lyx/layouts 
>/usr/X11R6/share/lyx/layouts at /usr/X11R6/share/lyx/reLyX/ReadCommands.pm line 267, 
><PREAMBLE> chunk 71.
>   Exited due to fatal Error!
> which is logical, as there's no lyx class supporting posters (am I
> right? Please say no! :D). 

Unfortunately yes.

>       Has anyone have any success in doing posters with lyx? The
> package I want to use does exactly what I want (no, I don't want to
> stick all the foiltex printouts together!), and I found it in
>       <http://fuse.pha.jhu.edu/~wolven/posters.html>

I just had a look at the package -- looks great.
However, it is quite complex (using the picture environment, ...)
so I suppose incorporating  into lyx would be a _huge_
effort (if possible at all, remember, even a "plain"
twocollumn will only show up in the output but not in lyx.)

Therefore, if you are familiar with latex, I would recommend to
export your files as latex and incorporate into the example
with a "normal" text editor. 

(Although I know from my own experience that for
designing a poster a WYSIWYG (or WYSIWYM) editor would be a
great help. Thus I would be very pleased if someone of the lyx-gurus on
the list could prove me false.)



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