On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 01:50:43PM +0200, Nicolas SABOURET wrote:
> How can I make inferences like :
>    B C
>    --- (y)
>  A  D
> ------ (x)
>   E
> There exists a "proof.sty" package with a "\infer{}{}" command, but if
> A,B,C,D,E are big math formulaes, I can't use "\infer{}{}" in math mode
> : it doesn't hold on a single lyx line (screen isn't wide enough :)). Is
> there a solution ?
> Can I temporarily redefine \frac by \infer ? How can I do this ?
> Nicolas.

Yes. If you don't need to use (normal) \frac, just put the following line in
the preamble:

If you do need to use \frac, then put the following line in the preamble
and then put \foo{} around each formula inset with a proof (outside of the

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