Reiner Emmerling wrote:
> Hi all,
> i'm writing my thesis in book-class in lyx1.1.5fix2 and have two problems
> regarding headers and titles of chapters.
> First one is, that i get for a pre-chapter (chapter*-Format), which is located
> between the table of figures and the real first chapter "introduction", a
> header "table of figures" instead of the true header "title of pre-chapter".
> How can i change the header for the prechapter?

i don't know if i realy understand your problem? but if you want to
the "table of figure"-name do a \renewcommand\figurename{your title}

> Second problem i have is regarding the numbering of the BibTeX generated
> references. I inserted the table of references with the lyx-feature
> 'Insert->List&TOC->BibTeX Reference', but the automatically inserted reference
> chapter with the title "References" had no chapter number. How can i add the
> chapter number to the reference chapter?

write in latex preamble
for komascript book-class (you should prefer this class!)


for standard book-class (only the second line is new! chapter without

      \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%



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