On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 06:05:37PM +0100, Heiko Schroeder wrote:
> My aim: I want to create a HTML-Output with LyX using "Export HTML".

You don't write what exactly is your problem with the output generated by
latex2html. My guess is that at least one problem is that the URLs entered 
using the URL inset are not translated into hyperlinks.

> My problem: I get the folowing message although I put in the LaTeX preamble 
> \usepackage {html, fontenc, url} and fontenc.sty, html.sty do exist:
You don't need to use include the fontenc and url packages, as LyX
already does this.

> No implementation found for style 'fontenc'
> No implementation found for style 'url'

This is a warning message of latex2html telling that it doesn't know how to
handle these packages (although it can handle the \url command).

> The ???.aux file was not found

Before running latex2html from LyX, you need to create a .aux file by
selecting file->export->dvi. This bug was fixed in lyx 1.1.6

> redefining command \url
> previous meaning of \url will be lost
> Unknown commands IfFileExists

LyX generates the following latex code:
which is used to define a simple \url command if the url.sty package is not
available. However, latex2html doesn't understand the IfFileExists, which
causes it to redefine \url as \texttt, and therefore, it will not create a
hyperlink when the \url command is used.

Solutions to this problem:
1) Check if this bug happens in the latest version of latex2html.
2) Switch to another latex->html converter.
3) Export the lyx file to tex, and change the two lines above 
(\IfFileExists... ) to '\usepackage{url}', and run latex2html manually.
4) Write a script that does (3) or use the lyx2html script from

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