>>Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 23:25:02 +0200
>>From: Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "C. S. Kan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, LyX users <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: subsection in other language
>>Mail-Followup-To: "C. S. Kan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, LyX users 
>>On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 10:35:02AM -0800, C. S. Kan wrote:
>>> I would like to write my thesis in Malay language where the English word
>>> for sections in Malay appear to be like these:
>>> Content - kandungan
>>> Chapter - Bab
>>> Bibiography - Rujukan 
>>> and so on. 
>>> Is there anyway that I can modify Lyx so that I get the desire output in
>>> Malay language for the title, sections and subsections?
>>Put the following in the preamble:
>>To see a list of the names that can be changed, check the english.ldf file.

If you want to read Malay language in the LyX window as well, you might
create a .inc file in the layouts directory like the one in attachment
for French, and include it (as last included file) in the layout of your class.

# Standard textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code
# Author : Matthias Ettrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Transposed by Pascal André <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Heavily modifed and enhanced by several developers.

# modifie les champs contenant le mot-clé "String"
# dans les styles standard

# ... dans stdlayouts.inc

# Caption style definition
Style Caption
  LabelString           Légende
# ... au lieu de caption

# ... dans stdsections.inc

# Part style definition
Style Part
  LabelString           "Partie #"
# ... au lieu de Part #

# Chapter style definition
Style Chapter
  LabelString           "Chapitre "
# ... au lieu de Chapter
  LabelStringAppendix   "Annexe "
# ... au lieu de Appendix

# ... dans stdstruct.inc

# Abstract style definition
Style Abstract 
  LabelString           Résumé
# ... au lieu de Abstract

# Bibliography style definition
Style Bibliography
  LabelString           Références
# ... au lieu de References

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