i every body,
I have installed in my computer running redhat 6.O,
serveral version of lyx with success, from lyx 1.0.4
to the newer one lyx-1.1.5fix2 (using tar.gz or RPM).
Now i've bought the version 7.0 there is a problem :
for 1.1.5fix2.-1.rpm , the istallation is possible but
when you run lyx, the color of the rest of the
application change and are dummed.
With the version 1.1.5.rpm or 1.1.5-fix1.rpm, the
istallation is possible but when you run lyx, it
crashes error dump.
I tried to to the source : with 1.1.5fix2.tar.gz the
configuration is correcte for everything (in all the
cases both redhat 6.0 or 7.0 i installed the forms
library), but the command make gives error like :
../../src/LString.h:21: conflicting types for `typedef
class lyxstring.
I 've noticed that the problem with
/usr/include/g++-3/string:9: previous declaration as
`typedef class
basic_string<char, string_char_traits<char>,
__default_alloc_template<true, 0> > string'
make[3]: *** [formula.lo] Erreur 1
this directory doesnot exist on the redhat version
So now I couldnot use the Lyx in my new version of
redhat. It 's a pitty.
perhaps someone could help me.
thans a lot
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