
I'm running Lyx 1.1.6, with German menus on a Linux box (Redhat 7.0) with
KDE2 as windows manager. I use a German keyboard with 104 keys.

If I try to format a paragraph via keyboard commands, maybe with M-a4, a
menu-item "*A*npassen" pops up immediately after I press M-a. Other
Meta-Sequences which are not bound to menu items, work like they are
expected to work (e.g. M-s ...)

I guess the KDE2 windowsmanager catches these sequences so that they
don't get through to Lyx, but I don't know how to change this. I didn't
see this problem on another machine with KDE 1 and Lyx 1.1.5.

Any help is appreciated

Andreas Deininger
University of Kassel

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