Rem wrote:
> I have been writing a document and I decided to use the fancyheader...
> Then after I recompile the file (view dvi) i got 48 errors and they were:
> undefined color 'BLACK'
> Any idea? I wonder if the error is because of my preamble.. I have the
> following in the preamble:
> \usepackage{sectsty}
> \chapterfont{\mdseries\centering}
> \sectionfont{\mdseries\centering}
> \subsectionfont{\mdseries\textit}
> \subsubsectionfont{\mdseries\textit}
> \paragraphfont{\mdseries\textit}
> \renewcommand{\theequation}{\thesection.\arabic{equation}}
> \renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{}

this is okay for book class, the error must be in the textpart if 
this is all of the preamble.



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