Public release of LyX version

We are proud to announce the release of LyX

This is an emergency release for OSX only. It resolves additional problems
that affect LyX on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) that were not addressed by the release. Only users of OSX 10.10 should upgrade to this version.

LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based
on the structure of your documents and not simply their appearance. It is
released under a Free and Open Source Software license.

You can download LyX from

The remainder of this file describes the 2.1.2 release, which was the
second maintenance release in the 2.1.x series.

LyX 2.1.2 is the result of on-going efforts to make our stable version
even more reliable and stable. We have fixed a number of bugs and made
a number of improvements. These are detailed below. We strongly encourage
all LyX users to upgrade to this version.

The most important fix here is that we believe we have resolved the problem
that led several users to experience seemingly random crashes with 2.1.0,
sometimes resulting in dataloss. (This was bug 9049.) These crashes generally happened when the user attempted to save a file containing a table, usually a fairly complex table. A seemingly unrelated bug report concerning a crash when trying to save a default template (bug 9236) led to the solution. That bug has
also been fixed.

Do report your bugs, then! It really does help make LyX better, often in ways
you might not expect.

So, if you think you have found a bug in LyX 2.1.2, open a bug report at If you're not sure whether it
really is a bug, you can e-mail the LyX developers' mailing list (lyx-devel
<at> and ask.

If you have trouble using LyX or have a question, consult the
documentation that comes with LyX and the LyX wiki, which lives at If you can't find the answer there, e-mail the LyX
users' list (lyx-users <at>

We hope you enjoy using LyX 2.1.2.

The LyX team.

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