I generate a pdf via LuaTex with a reference entry that contains two authors. 
The output is produced as expected without any problems.

However, the inserted citation for the "two authors" reference entry, results 
in an intext citation in LyX of *Author et al.* despite that the citation does 
not have three or more authors. Please see attachments for reproducing.  

Has a bug report been filed for this?


Attachment: Test.lyx
Description: application/lyx

% This file was created with JabRef 2.10.
% Encoding: UTF-8

  Title                    = {Analysing competence: Gender and identity at work},
  Author                   = {Bronwen Rees and Elizabeth Garnsey},
  Journal                  = {Gender, Work \& Organization},
  Year                     = {2003},
  Number                   = {5},
  Pages                    = {551--578},
  Volume                   = {10}

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