On 19/04/2015 5:50 a.m., Richard Opheim wrote:
In LyX 2.1.3 (on Windows 8.1), I found producing an em dash in my ms to be difficult , and was not able to find any mention of it on the users' list. I produced an em dash in two ways: one, by typing three hyphens, and two, by selecting "insert-special character-symbols-[category] general punctuation-and then choosing the symbol in the seventh space (em dash. Actually, both symbols 7 and 8 [counting from the left] appear to be identical em dashes.) However, the em dash in the 7th space, as well as the em dash that was supposed to be displayed by typing three hyphens, didn't display in Document-view pdf latex (though they did display in HTML and DVI). Instead, I found that the adjacent em dash in the 8th space from the left did display in pdf-latex. There seem to be two "versions" each of the hyphen, en dash, and em dash. Presumably, one is for pdf-latex and the other is for other formats?

Richard Opheim
I found some years ago that whether an em or en dash was visible in Adobe Reader, which was the pdf viewer I used at that time, depended on the font. In the default font it wasn't visible unless the zoom level was set awkwardly high, but when the font was set to e.g. Latin Modern Roman it was visible at normal zoom levels.


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