On Fri, 24 Apr 2015 08:00:32 +0200
Wolfgang Engelmann <engelm...@uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:

> I have a long and broad figure (a scilab simulation diagram) which I 
> have split in two halves in order to fit it on two adjacent pages. I
> had to turn both sidewards because of the broadness of the
> illustration. How can I achieve that the upper part occurs on a page
> which is on top of the lower part page if the book is opened? I am
> using Koma script book style.
> Wolfgang
> ------------------------------
> upper part here
> ------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> lower part here
> ------------------------------
> note: you look at the sidewards turned book


There may be a way of doing this directly in LyX/LaTeX, but it is most
likely very complicated and fragile. 

I would do it by generating the two pages in question as one or two PDF
files, using an external program, then add them in the right place to
the PDF file produced by the LyX document. 

One way of doing this is to generate two blank pages (insert two
consecutive New Pages) then remove these two pages and replace them
with the figure pages using pdftk.

L. R. Denham

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