Rich Shepard writes:
> On Wed, 27 May 2015, Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> > Do the
> >
> > Document > Settings > Float Placement > "Here if possible"  or  "Here
> > definitely"
> >
> > options help?
> Nikos,
>    Not so far. I'm still playing with them, but I get the maximum number
> of figures allowed in a section, then no graphic is displayed. That's
> because they're all in the same section of the document. I suppose I can
> expand each portion into a section of its own. Maybe.

Note that latex allows only a fixed number of floats per page. By default,
this is 3 but this number is stored in a counter and it can be changed.
Try whether putting
in the preamble helps. It may or may not succeed, depending on the vertical
space occupied by the floats. There are also other style parameters that
may help:

topnumber: (counter) maximum number of floats allowed at the top of a page.
\topfraction: maximum fraction of the page that can be occupied by floats
              at the top of the page. A value of 0.25 means the top quarter.
bottomnumber: (counter) same as topnumber except for the bottom of the page.
\bottomfraction: same as \topfraction except for the bottom of the page.
\texfraction: the minimum fraction of a page the must be devoted to text.
              The other 1-\textfraction may be occupied by floats.

As an example:

allows placing up to 10 floats on a page (if they fit), even at the cost
of not outputting any text on that page. There are also other parameters
that can be tuned, such the spacing between text and floats, but I don't
remember what they are. I think you can find them in a good latex book.



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