LyX folk:

In the past, in the course of installing MacTeX and LyX on a Mac, the ImageMagick utilities — in particular, convert (which is essential for viewing inserted PDFs in LyX) — would also be installed. (I'm not sure which of the two, MacTeX or LyX, was responsible for this.) I am currently running the latest El Capitan beta, MacTeX 2015, and LyX 2.1.4 on an iMac, but convert is nowhere to be found. Note this isn't simply a path problem — the program isn't in the locate database, so it's nowhere on the machine. On my Macbook, which is running Yosemite and MacTeX 2014, it resides contentedly in /usr/local/bin. Can anyone explain what's happened to convert?

Thanks much in advance.

Chris Menzel

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