Den 09. aug. 2015 16:29, skrev Wolfgang Engelmann:
How would one insert a title to the lilypond code insert of a lyx book? I tried it in the insert, but with no avail.
Both LyX and lilypond has "titles", and either form can be used to good effect. So this depends on what you want to do.

LyX title:
This is the title for the whole document. Write it on the first line (not inside some lilypond stuff) and change the environment from "Standard" to "Title". You can only have one such title, and it must be at the start of the document.

Lilypond title:
This is a title for a piece of music, and goes inside a lilypond inset.
For general information on lilypond insets, read Help->Specific Manuals->Lilypond

Here is an example that works:
Make document with a lilypond inset (Start with the above mentioned help document if necessary)

This goes inside the lilypond inset:
\header {
   title = "Symphony"
  composer = "Someone"
\new PianoStaff <<
  % RH Staff
  \new Staff {
    \clef treble
    \key aes \major
    \time 2/4
    \partial 8
    <aes''-4 c''>8\staccato
  % LH Staff
  \new Staff {
    \key aes \major
    \clef treble
    \partial 8
    <aes' aes>8\staccato

You probably have longer music than that. :-) The title is in the "header" block. See for more information about what you can put in such header blocks - composer, arranger, author, translator and so on.

Helge Hafting

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