On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 3:03 PM, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Sep 2015, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> Note that a related LyX question was just asked here:
>> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/264161/lyx-side-by-side-figure-inside-two-column-layoutt
> Scott,
>   I don't follow stackexchange. Mail lists work best for me. So, no, I did
> not see that the request was asked in two places.

I'm confused. I was just noting a related post. I think the
stackexchange post was made after Sajjad's email and your response, so
you couldn't have seen it anyway. I don't know if that was a
cross-post or not (meaning it is the same person who made both posts).
It doesn't really matter. Whenever I see two open questions that are
related, I try to "link" them so that (1) people do not waste time
trying to solve a problem that is already solved (for a fun and
informative read, see
and (2) if someone google's and comes across this question, they can
follow the link and find a related topic of interest that might help
in solving their problem.

Did I misunderstand something? I am often bad with communication
through text, so I'm always looking for ways to improve. Suggestions
are welcome. Looking back, I think one thing I could have done better
is reply to Sajjad's email instead of your email. When I am not
quoting something and I just want to reply, I have the habit of just
replying to the last email in the thread. By I suppose that has the
side effect that you think I am responding directly to you. Would it
have been better if I responded to Sajjad instead of the last email in
the thread (which happened to be yours)? Also, I could have removed
you from GMail's "reply all" default, which is a lazy way of respond
to the list. Would that have avoided confusion?


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