ok, do not know why, but this works:

go into the Document settings, select "Fonts", and tick the option "Use non-TeX fonts (via XeTeX/LuaTeX)".

This made the view and compile button work for me.


On 01/10/2015 22:45, Paola Manzini wrote:

I was about to report the same - I also got to the same stage.

I hope there is some fix, but in the meantime to compile the file and view the pdf one can use the other two icons to the right ("update other formats" and "view other formats").


On 01/10/2015 22:38, Robert Dolan wrote:

I follows this: https://tug.org/mactex/UpdatingForElCapitan.pdf, which states to "Go to the Paths item of Lyx → Preferences. Change the contents of the PATH prefix box from /usr/texbin to /Library/TeX/texbin; see Figure (6) on page 4. Then go to Tools → reconfigure and reset Lyx.” Before I did this, I was unable to even see the math text. This fixed that problem, but I still cant preview PDFs. As you can see in the photo below, the icons are greyed out. Also, when I press Command-R (which is the command to view pdf) it says command disabled at the bottom of the screen.

Thanks for your help!
On Oct 1, 2015, at 3:10 PM, Stephan Witt <st.w...@gmx.net> wrote:

Am 01.10.2015 um 20:28 schrieb Robert Dolan <dolan...@connect.wcsu.edu <mailto:dolan...@connect.wcsu.edu>>:


I am using the latest version of Lyx with MacTex 2015 on OX El Capitan. Since I installed El Capitan I have not been able to preview the pdf using the “view” icon on the Lyx toolbar. I changed the path as instructed

Can you be a bit more specific? What did you change?

and I am able to export the lyx file as a pdf. However, I just cannot view/update/preview it without exporting it.

Please, try the reconfiguration of LyX.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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