On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi there,
> the problem of  Wahyu Nugroho is even worse with Mandrake. After eventually
> finding a LyX rpm for Mandrake, the installation needed xforms, but
> Mandrake provides no xforms. Therefore I installed one from SuSE. After
> installing LyX, starting LyX complained about not finding libforms.0.89
> although it was on the system. So I tried Murilo Juchem's hint (Re: need
> quick help). But that didn't help either, because libforms.0.89 was not in
> .../X11/... but in .../X11R6/... . Eventually I got LyX started. This all
> shows, that LyX itself should find libforms.0.8x.

It also shows that different distributions have different ideas about how
to name their directory structures.

For Red Hat and Mandrake and other Red-Hat derived distros you should use
the xforms rpm from ftp.sylvan.com/pub/lyx.  This is known to work on
these distros.  Also be aware that SuSE is _not_ derived from Red Hat so
it not only has a different naming convention for all its rpms it also has
a different priority for compliance with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
(or whatever it's called these days). As a result mixing rpms to/from SuSE
can cause problems such as you describe.

Allan. (ARRae)

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