Good morning Philip,
I take your info on the First issue as very, very good news because I was just about to throw the towel due to the new frustrating experience I've made in the course of preparing a mini example file.
But let me report about this to you in a separate e-mail.
As for now, please see my comments below.

On 02/18/2016 04:57 PM, PhilipPirrip wrote:

First issue
Underlining text with 'underbar' in the master document (e.g. _Siti)_
enters an endless loop when trying to compile to PDF with the fatal
effects described above.
Funny enough it compiled (sometimes?) before in a child document but did
not when included in the master.
And: I can stop the destruction of files only if I cut the power off
immediately after the loop started!

I see what you mean, and I can reproduce it. I haven't observed any files being deleted though. It will take some time to check all this, please be patient. There are many packages included with classic thesis template and one has to go removing them one by one until everything works again.
Hah! This is good news towards my problem as I was just about to go back to KOMA-Script because in a master thesis one simply must be able to underline some text parts.
And, of course, I will have all the patience in the world!

Second issue
Using Jürgen's nice and useful new modules like csquotes
(context-sensitive quotes) fail to work in classicthesis-LyX-v4.1, i. e.
are not available in full in the Insert > Custom Insets menu and produce
quite a number of errors

I unfortunately cannot even test this as I don't see the module in my modules list. But again, clashes are possible, not all (versions of) packages work well with one another.
First, you should not bother too much about this for the time being. Jürgen's new features are really great (especially for linguists and work well in Koma-Script documents) but not a conditio sine qua non. However, if you also plan to attend to this issue, you find the necessary info here:
in "Extending LyX's functionality"

Now there is hope these problems may have been already resolved in the a
bug-fix version of the v4.1 template in the 4.2 bundle which you told
me. I will download the 4.2 version and then see to it.

I don't think the above issues were addressed in 4.2. I'd rather try to remove (or comment out) calls to packages in classicthesis-config.tex and see if that helps. You can have the command "top" running in a terminal window. Once pdflatex enters the loop (CPU usage 100%), just kill it with a 'k'
Yes, I agree. I downloaded and checked 4.2 and could not find any issue related hint.
But thanks for telling me how to kill a running process, it was new to me!

I am deeply grateful to you and your colleague developers for investing so much effort in other people's problems!

Michael Berger

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