On 03/30/2016 09:15 AM, Klaus-Dieter Bauer wrote:
> LyX has an option "Open documents in tabs" in 
> Preferences > Document Handling. 
> As far as I can tell, disabling this option 
> causes LyX to open different documents 
> in new windows, but grouping files belonging
> to the same output document into the same 
> window into tabs.
> Is it possible to detach such tabs into 
> a new window? Is it possible to open each
> FILE in a separate window?

I don't think you can detach tabs (as you can in Firefox, say). But you can
open anything you like in a a new window. Just do File> New Window and
then File> Open (or View> Hidden, or whatever).

I expect detaching a tab is possible in Qt, so you could file an enhancement
request for that if you like.

> === The purpose ===
> I am sometimes working with long documents
> where I'd rather split even one document
> across multiple windows, e.g. in order to
> keep a section, which I am referring to, 
> opened on a second screen. In such cases
> having more than one window per document, 
> or even displaying the same file in multiple
> windows at once, would be useful.

You can do this, following the instructions above. You can re-open the
same file, as well.


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