On Sun, 25 Mar 2001, Redvers Davies wrote:

- Hi,
-       I have checked through the various FAQ's and the archive but
- as yet have been unable to find an answer to this question.
-       The problem that I have is that the output to pdf is "furry".
- Text in a dvi is sharp and perfect.  The postscript is slightly furry
- and the pdf is so furry its almost unreadable.
-       If anyone could give me some ideas as to where to start looking
- I would appreciate it.

I use the following as a preamble:

\usepackage[ps2pdf,pdftitle={Your Document Title},urlcolor=blue,

I copied it off a web site and I am not sure how it works but it does
make my PDF look nice.

--Stephen Carville
Government is like burning witches:  After years of burning young women
failed to solve any of society's problems, the solution was to burn more
young women.

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