On 04/30/2016 02:13 PM, racoon wrote:
> On 30.04.2016 19:51, racoon wrote:
>> On 30.04.2016 18:10, Richard Heck wrote:
>>> On 04/30/2016 11:55 AM, racoon wrote:
>>>> On 30.04.2016 16:56, Richard Heck wrote:
>>>>> On 04/30/2016 10:00 AM, racoon wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Jürgen. I guess your reply implies that there is no special
>>>>>> function for this in LyX.
>>>>> No, but it would not be hard to create a simple module that did this.
>>>> I'll give it a try. Two things are holding me a bit back though
>>>> 1. The code by Jürgen does not work in environments.
>>> May need to use \csgdef or something. It's possible the defintion is
>>> being made local to the environment. But I'm not sure.
>> Well, if it is without LyX help then there are the necessary commands
>> already in the hyperref package: \hypertarget and \hyperref.
>> https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Hyperlinks#Hyperlink_and_Hypertarget
>> They uglify the text though.
> Just for completeness, here is a solution:
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/168832/using-hypertarget-caption-in-hyperlink-caption
> However, without the help of a frontend that provides a list of
> labels, like LyX does for other cross references, it is pretty
> cumbersome and makes the text less readable in the editor.
> Is it possible to implement such a list via a module or would one have
> to dig deeper into LyX for that?

Having a dialog that does the sort of thing you want---a lot like the
cross-reference dialog, it seems to me---would require actual coding.
You are welcome to file an enhancement request, but those sorts of
things tend to get done by someone who has an itch to scratch....


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