racoon <xracoonx <at> gmx.de> writes:

> Unfortunately, the absolutelynotpagebreak environment does not work 
> either. Sometimes it just leaves have a page blank before the 
> environment even though it is only three lines that are kept together... 
> Maybe someone has another idea?

Not sure this will be any better, but you can try the following.

1. Start a new standard environment just before the label. In it, in a TeX
box, put \samepage{. (Omission of the closing brace is intentional.) Note
that this needs to be in a standard environment, not part of the Description
2. After the quote, in a standard environment, put a TeX box containing the
closing brace }. Again, this needs to be in a separate environment, not part
of the quote.

In your test document, this drags the last line Roman gibberish into the
second page, so spacing may not be ideal ... but at least it's fairly easy
to try.


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