On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 02:03:55PM +0600, Bobby D. Bryant wrote:
> [Sorry if you already saw this; I sent it about a week ago, but it looks
> like it bounced.]
> It would really be nice if user-level customization would let you add
> additional \cite style commands to the Insert->CitationReference menu.
> For instance, my research group has LaTeX commands that variously give -
>     (St. John and McClelland 1990)
> vs.
>     St. John and McClelland (1990),
> for a citation, depending on which command is used, and we often mix
> both types in a single paper.

The next version of LyX will support natbib, which allows citations in the
the two styles above (\citep and \citet).

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