Hi, First let me say I'm addicted to LyX for composing almost anything I care 
It helps keep me from fat fingering multiple spaces between words etc... And 
lets me set screen
font sizes I can see without my reading glasses even when the targeted output 
font sizes are
too small for my eyes WITH the glasses... The list goes on and on... Thanks!

However my problem with the spellchecker dialog's keybindings have More to do 
with my
own dexterity issues that have always made using the mouse difficult at best. 
And with carpel
tunnel issues that often make mouse based methods painful. {Don't know why I'm 
able to keyboard
for hours before my hands go numb, but the mouse can do it in just a few 
minutes. But the
result is I'm addicted to keyboard shortcuts and keyboard accessible menu based 

When I use the spellchecker in LyX and the word I'm looking for is in the 
sUggestions list I'm
very happy cause there is no conflict for the {alt}+{u} shortcut that lets me 
use the cursor
keys to select it and {Enter} to apply the spelling correction.

But if I need to tell it to ignore an instance where a character in a story is 
being quoted as
saying something not in the dictionary lists {Think Homer Simpson saying "Doh"} 
That I may want
to Ignore. Or perhaps I wanted to use an unusual word such as hisself instead 
of himself
because it's "In character" for the character being quoted and wish to aDd it 
to my word list.
And while I never use it, the same problem exists for the "Find next" button.

Lately my problems with mouse operation have been getting worse:

It can take me over a minute to maneuver the "dag nabbed" rodent pointing 
device over the correct
"durned" button... And the button keybindings indicated by the underscored 
character on the
button label (AKA: {alt}+{f}, {alt}+{i} and {alt}+{d}) instead activate the 
File, Insert or
Document menu choices... {sigh}

So I was hoping there was a way to selectively change the keybindings on those 
buttons to
something that doesn't conflict with the menu bar bindings.

I use the standard user interface with the cua bind file.

I've looked in Tools > Preferences > shortcuts and the only spellchecker 
related shortcut I can
find is the {F7} to start the spellchecking function {which I do NOT want to 

Even though more advanced methods {if any} of modifying LyX's keybindings are 
beyond my
understanding, I've looked for clues in Help > LyX Functions, Help > Shortcuts 
finding anything that looks like the add word or ignore word spellchecker 
button functions to me.

I also did a less /usr/share/lyx/bind/cua.bind

But I didn't see anything that looked like it there either.

I probably should mention that I multi-boot three different Linux distros that 
share the
same data partition with whichever version of LyX is in their repos.  Only one 
of them
is bleeding edge enough to have lyx 2.2.x The other 2 have LyX 2.1.x. And since 
one of
the reasons I multi-boot is I've been known to to bork an installed Linux so 
bad that it can
take me weeks to get X running again and it's such a pain to remember to 
lyx2lyx the updated
*.lyx back to lyxformat 474 {while hoping I didn't accidentally use some new 
feature that
doesn't convert back cleanly} THEN until either Mageia or Opensuse add LyX 
2.2.x to their repos
I'll avoid using LyX in my rolling release antiX installation in favor of the 
LyX 2.1.x
installed to my Mageia Linux or my Opensuse Leap Linux installations.

Usually Opensuse Leap where it's currently LyX 2.1.5...

Is there a reliable way to "push" those buttons with the 

I don't know if it matters but a LONG time ago I selected to run the 
spellchecker in the
{docked?} sidebar instead of free floating because I need to actually see the 
context to for
example notice if it's Homer saying "Doh" or an actual typo, and using the 
mouse to move the
floating spellchecker dialog out of the way is even more difficult than getting 
the {expletive
deleted} rodent to point at the button long enough for my hands to click on 


   Joe Philbrook   <jtw...@gmx.com>   (:-0%

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