Den 29. aug. 2016 21:26, skrev Jannick:

Is it possible to specify the tab name in an .xlsx file to be imported to
lyx using gnumeric's ssconvert.exe?

The conversion command

        ssconvert --export-type=Gnumeric_html:latex $$i $$o

picks one of the tabs. I am not sure if ssconvert's -S switch could help
here, but I would be curious if a specific tab could be chosen. Certainly,
as workaround the tabs could be split to a number of .xlsx files, however,
this is not very practicable if the tabs depend on each other

"man ssconvert" on linux gives some information about options you may want to investigate:

       -S, --export-file-per-sheet
Export a file for each sheet if the exporter only supports one sheet at a time. The output filename is treated as a template in which sheet number is substiā€ tuted for %n and/or sheet name is substituted for %s. If there are not substitutions, a default of ".%s" is added.

This one may give you several files. Further options:

sheet Name of the workbook sheet to operate on. You can specify several sheets by repeating this option. If this option is not given the active sheet (i. e. the sheet that was active when the file was saved) is used. This is ignored if the object option is given.

object Name of the sheet object to print. If this option is given any sheet option is ignored. Only the first object given is exported.

These options are documented specifically for pdf export, (and a few others) This may or may not work for a latex export. Anyway, LyX can include PDF into a document too.

Helge Hafting

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