2016-12-07 16:37 GMT+01:00 Rudi Gaelzer <rgael...@gmail.com>:

> I see.  Anyhoo, it's good to learn about all possibilities.
> Thanks again.
> Since we're talking about beamer and you seem a proficient user, another
> tweak
> I've been struggling to implement is a better control on the positioning of
> objects such as figures or boxes that will remain fixed at a given position
> whereas the remaining of the slide wraps around it.
> I've obtained a partial success with the wrap figure float, which call the
> wrapfig pack, but I don't really have a total control on the positioning
> (since it's a "float" after all) and the outcome is less than satisfactory.
> Some people report success using the cutwin package, others recommend
> pgf-tkiz
> for figures and/or textpos for boxes.  I still haven't come around finding
> time to test all possibilities, though. Do you have any suggestion on this
> regard?

I usually use the picture environment (and \put) to position stuff.


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