Hi Kornel,

Please find my answers below.

These are the error messages:



And this appears every time, I want to save anything.

What can I do?

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-----Original Message-----
From: Kornel Benko [mailto:kor...@lyx.org]
Sent: Tuesday, 24 January 2017 10:44 PM
To: lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
Cc: Sven Diermann <s.dierm...@uq.edu.au>
Subject: Re: Bug Lyx 2.2.2 saving file

Am Dienstag, 24. Januar 2017 um 11:12:04, schrieb Sven Diermann 

> Dear Mr. Benko,

Hi, first of all, please keep the conversation on the mailing list.

> I am a big fan of Lyx and I thought I upgrade to the latest version 2.2.2 
> after using 2.1.3.

> Now I have trouble saving the .lyx file. The error message says:

> LyX: Backup failure.

> Cannot create backup file "THE PATH WERE I WANT TO SAVE IT". Please check 
> whether the directory exists and is writable.

How did you specify the backup directory?

(I suppose 'Tools->Preferences...->Paths->BackUp directory')


> It certainly exists and is writable because I just created this file 1min ago 
> for test purposes.

> Instead it saves the file under a alternative name such as:

> Wanted: test.lyx

> Actual: test-qr6264.lyx

What is wrong with this file name? In the end it is backup only, not meant for 
normal workflow.

The issue is that it doesn’t save the original file.

> I tried to use the backup directory, however if I use it all the "\" are 
> converted to "!"

> which does not help the problem in identifying the correct path.

You mean, you are using '"' chars in file names?

Normally I'd expect the path-separators to be converted to '!'.

> Thanks for your help.


> Best regards,

> Sven Diermann


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