Hi,I'm writing my thesis using LyX, v. 2.2.2, and I've got a problem with 
I'd like to recall the label in the description of the Figure like (a) and (b), 
but using the cross reference I have 1(a) and 1(b); instead in the text I want 
exactly 1(a) and 1(b). Like:

(a) graph1                                                                      
         (b) graph2
           Figure 1: (a) graph1 and explanation, (b) graph2 and explanation

In fig. 1(a) there's graph1 about...

I've tried using \subref command, and it works but with an error: "Argument of 
\caption@ydblarg has an extra }." that I don't understand. 
There's some method to overcome this problem?
I hope I explained myself well.

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