I am trying to use the Initials package with initials set over three lines. I 
have placed "\setcounter{DefaultLines}{3}" in the preamble. In the PDF output, 
I see that the initial "E" is indeed vertically spaced across three lines. 
However, the letter "E" is only scaled across two lines. In fact, the "E" is 
the same size as if DefaultLines was set to 2. Please see my attached test 
file. Also, the "loversize=.5" option, if added to the Initials, appears to be 
ignored (which I've tried to use to compensate). Since this is my first attempt 
at using this package, I assume that this is my fault and not a bug. Could you 
enlighten me please? This is with LyX 2.2.3.
Thank you,

Attachment: Test.lyx
Description: Test.lyx

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