
I would like to use Skim on Mac (10.12.5) as a PDF-file-viewer for 
LuaTeX-Output, but it does not work for me.

• In Lyx LyX Version 2.2.3 I have entered the following:

Prefs / Output / General / PDF-Command:
/Applications/Skim.app/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/displayline $$n $$o $$t

Prefs / File Handling / File formats / PDF (LuaTeX)
Viewer setting / Custom / open -a Skim.app $$i i

• In Skim1.4.24 (98) I have entered

Prefs / Sync / Command:
"%file" %line; /usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell application "LyX" to activate‘
(before I have also tried with »output« / LyX, which also did not work)

Does anybody have an idea how I get it working?


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