On Mon, Aug 07, 2017 at 12:07:45AM +0000, David Pesetsky wrote:
> I see — the discussion seems to have gotten a bit confused around eight years 
> ago, but the discussion around three years ago hits the nail on the head.  It 
> should work this way in "replace all", and not in simple find or 
> find-replace. 

Hi David,

Thank you for your feedback!

> I am not a member of the Lyx team, obviously, so not part of that discussion

You don't have to be a core member of the LyX development team to participate in
the discussion. In fact, many great ideas come from non-developers. We
absolutely rely on them to improve LyX. To participate, all you have to do is
register at


I'm not saying you should participate in this particular discussion, since your
thoughts seem well-represented by the discussion three years ago, but I did want
to make clear that everyone is encouraged to participate in any discussion.

> — but could you or someone revive the discussion on my behalf (as I see 
> someone did for some other user)?

I added a link on the ticket to your email, and emphasized that this could lead
to data loss. Even a little bump of the ticket like this can sometimes lead to
more work on it.

Thanks for your feedback, please keep it coming!


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