Am Samstag, den 09.09.2017, 13:06 +0200 schrieb jezZiFeR:
> in LyX 2.2.3 (I use LuaTeX, but could also change that if necessary)
> I would like to use a bigger font-size of 14 pt for a draft in a
> KOMA-script-article. This could not be chosen in
> document/settings/fonts, because there only sizes from 12–12 pt are
> eligible in the menu (in German it is »Grundgröße«, while in English
> it might be like »basic size«).
> How could I achieve a bigger size for the continuous text
> nonetheless?

Set font size to "default" and add "fontsize=14pt" to Document Class >
Class Options > Custom.


> Thank you
> Jess

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