On 2018-01-29, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Montag, den 29.01.2018, 10:55 +0100 schrieb S. Noble:

>> Thanks, Scott and Günter, for your quick, helpful replies.
>> I had followed Scott’s advice and found the offending character. It
>> was indeed the lower-case Greek letter “sigma”, not in a word-final
>> position (i.e., “σ”). (There was just one of them in the document).
>> I was then puzzling over LyX’s error message — “There is no v in font
>> LinLibertineT-osf-lgr”. 

> That's not LyX's error message, but LaTeX's (or polyglossia's for that
> matter).

While Polyglossia is known for a lot of false positives when checking
character support, it is not to blame here. Polyglossia tests for script
support in the used fonts, relying on often missing information in the
font metadata and gives errors (not just warnings).
The "There is no … in font …" warnings are from TeX.

>> It didn’t seem to make sense, for two reasons: (1) the problem
>> was certainly the letter “sigma”, but in principle it has nothing to
>> do with a “v”; and (2) in the PDF print-out, the letter “sigma” is
>> printed correctly. So, all in all, nothing is missing. I couldn’t
>> figure it out or find anything about it, and then came Günter’s
>> explanation.

The problem is that currently, in LyX's Unicode translation file we use the
Latin transcription for Greek:

In the Latin transcription, "s" stands for "\textautosigma", which
depending on the next characters is printed as "sigma" or "finalsigma".
This is fine if you type Greek text using Latin characters but bad if in
a document you write a single literal "σ" and in the PDF you get a single
"ς". Therefore, LyX uses the "never-to-become-finalsigma" transcript "sv"
with the "LGR ligature break character" "v" (cf.

 0x03c3 "\\textgreek{sv}" "textgreek" 
"force=iso8859-7;cp437;cp437de;cp865,mathalpha" "\\sigma" "" # GREEK SMALL 

That "v" is missing in Libertine LGR is a bug in this font. May be they call
it a feature, because the effect of a missing character is almost the same
as a "ligature break" character: it prevents ligating (fine) but
* it also triggers a warning
* there is a/no ligature break in the text if you copy-paste from the PDF.

LyX turns warnings about missing characters into errors for good reason.
Unfortunately this can give rise to false positives in rare cases.

We had a similar problem with Unicode fonts lacking the ligature break
character (u200C, ZWNJ). However, we cannot tell LyX to ignore missing
"v" characters (which stand for ZWNJ in the LGR font encoding but are
printable characters normally).

The proper solution is to use the LaTeX internal character representation
(LICR) in the Unicode translation file:

 0x03c3 "\\textgreek{\\textsigma}"        "textgreek" 
"force=iso8859-7,mathalpha" "\\sigma" "" # GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA

A patch is ready since some years but hold back because Greek LICR macros
were a new feature at this time. I believe it is time to apply the patch
now. It works stable on my local installation and fixes the problem + some

>> So at least I’ve understood (sort of), but this is strange behaviour
>> from LyX. LaTeX, on the other hand, doesn’t complain and prints the
>> “sigma” identically.

> You get the message as well, LaTeX is just not aborted (since it's a
> warning, actually).

This depends: If you use literal Greek characters in the LaTeX source, there
is no warning.

A simple workaround in LyX is to set the LaTeX input encoding to UTF-8:

 Document>Settings>Language>Encoding>Other: Unicode (utf8)
("Language default" does not work, because we force-convert sigma to
override inputenc's "iso8859-7.def" replacing it with "autosigma".

>> I'm wondering if the problem might be solved by LyX following LaTeX's
>> advice. If, as LaTeX complains, "The libertine-type1 package is
>> obsolete", then perhaps LyX should be using, as
>> LaTeX's suggests, "\usepackage[type1]{libertineRoman}" in the
>> Preamble instead of "\usepackage{libertine-type1}". 

This will not solve the warning issue (the font itself is the same).
Nevertheless, it may be a good idea to update the font call once we can
safely expect users to have the new interface or after a test in the LaTeX



Test document:

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\begin_layout Standard
Unicode literals: 
\lang greek
ροσε ερος

\begin_layout Standard
LICR macros: 
\lang greek

\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Standard
Latin transcription with autosigma: 
\lang greek
rose eros

\begin_layout Standard
Latin transcription with sigma: 
\lang greek
rosve eros


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