On Wednesday 11 April 2001 17:50, Herbert Voss wrote:

> try in latex preamble
> \AtBeginDocument{\setlength{\rightskip}{0cm plus 0.5cm}}
> Herbert

Tried it. It works, too. Thanks a lot! It works on any text, though. Ideally, 
I'd like to have something that I can turn on and off within my document.

I've done some searching, meanwhile, and have come across a LaTeX package 
called "raggedright" that claims to offer this. It defines a new environment 
called FlushLeft that has hyphenation, and the "roughness" of the border can 
be adjusted via variables.
It was written for LaTeX 2.09, though. I'll see if I can make it work.




Kaspar Pflugshaupt
Geobotanical Institute
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

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