
I am working on a LyX document with RCS version control enabled.

I am working on the file during the day in my office on my office PC and in the 
evening on my home PC. I am using cloud to keep files.

I sometimes encounter that RCS gives an error. (I guess it is related with 
check-in check-out status, ready-only status and maybe other settings.)


What should I do to make RCS work on two PCs?

BTW, any future plans for incorporating Git commands into LyX? I can do it 
externally, but would be great if it was placed in LyX.

Thanks in advance,


Note: This is the fixed I found by myself:

When I check the “.lyx,v” file, I observe that the following header creates a 
problem. (I guess this header corresponds to checked-in status.)

head      1.8;
locks; strict;
comment            @# @;

I check the header of fine-working RCS file and found that it is in the 
following format. (I guess this header corresponds to checked-out status.)

head      1.8;
                bariserkus:1.8; strict;
comment            @# @;

If I replace the “locks; strict;”  portion with “locks    bariserkus:1.8; 
strict;”, it works just fine.

Note that “1.8” is the version number and “bariserkus” is the author name.

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