Dear Scott,

MiKTeX 2.9 has been available since 2010 and the *only* version available since 2014; see Hence the message in your proposed dialogue

        LyX requires MiKTeX 2.9 or later. Your version is X.X.
        Choose "Continue" to automatically update MiKTeX now,
        or "Cancel" to stop the LyX installation. If you do not
        understand this message, you should choose "Continue".

                                        Cancel      Continue

doesn't make much sense (to me). It is the package repository number that is critical, currently at 6664 at time of writing (see under Package Repository) but I don't know what that was at the time the update problem arose and in any case it is likely to be confusing to an average user.

I think it would be better to use a date: "LyX requires MiKTeX 2.9 updated later than yyyy/mm/dd" (and that format of date to avoid ambiguity around dd/mm/yyyy versus mm/dd/yyyy). Presumably the date can be found from Uwe's announcements to lyx-devel.


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