--- "Anna H. Pryor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ver 1.1.6fix1 on Linux
> O.K., I feel more confused now than ever.
> I am trying to make slides using lyx...but I think
> that I keep getting
> directed to latex/tex commands only. Can someone
> just clarify to me if that
> is the case...that Lyx does not support doing
> transparencies?
> So far, I have tried to work with fancyhdrs,
> graphicx and foils...more with
> the first two than the third. (Although, the help
> documentation in Lyx talks
> about foils, I can't seem to find anything about
> them in lyx...only slides
> under documents). I am using the following in red
> tex in my document to try
> and get a logo to appear in the top left hand
> corner:
> %\headsep 2cm
> %\hoffset -1.5cm
> %\textwidth 15cm
> %\setlength{\headwidth}{\textwidth}
> %right empty
> \fancyhead[R]{}
> % left
> \fancyhead[L]{ \includegraphics
> [width=.5cm]{Meatball.eps}
> (I put in all of the comments to just get what I
> thought was the necessary
> stuff.)
> When I click on postscript the first time, it claims
> that the document is
> empty, when I click on it a second time the logo
> comes up, but it is centered
> and too large, and not at the top of the page.
> I've looked at the .dvi file that comes with
> fancyhdr but it doesn't seem to
> list all of the available commands...am I right
> about that? Is there
> somewhere that I can go to find all of the commands
> that are available in the
> different packages? Can packages like fancyhdr and
> graphicx conflict with
> each other...and if so, how would you know?
> If anyone has a transparency or two from an old talk
> with a header/footer
> that they could send to me to adapt to my needs, I
> would REALLY appreciate it.
> Thanks!
> Anna
I had the same problem with my Redhat 7.0, I had
solved the problem by copying the foils from the
redhat 6.0 because the thz directory of foils in latex
dsitribution in redhat 7.0 is empty. So the problem is
in latex and not in lyx
I hope this help you
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