Hello everyone,

I’m a math instructor in a community college in Cupertino California.

I just bought a new Microsoft Windows Surface Book 2. After having to
remove and re-install LyX with Mik-TeX several times, I think it’s almost

MikTeX appears to be working. I’m able to create and process documents
using TexWorks.

When I load a tutorial document in LyX and  hit ^R, it tells me “No PDF
viewer installed. Please Install a PDF viewer such as Adobe Reader.” After
that, Windows told me "LyX2.3exe has stopped working” and closed the
program for me.

As I said, MikTeX seems to be able to find a PDF viewer fine, and of course
the installer for LyX installed a copy of Ghostscript, so I’m baffled as to
why this isn’t working, and why LyX froze.

When I go into LyX and select Tools>Preferences>File Handling>File Formats,
under Viewer it says “none.” When I bring down the dropdown list under
viewer, the only other choice is custom.

When I go under Tools>Preferences>Path and look under Path prefix, I see a
long list that includes the directory for Ghostscript.

2.3\ghostscript\bin;C:\Program Files\Inkscape

I’ve tried Tools>Reconfigure.

I would very much appreciate help on what I should try next.

Thank you,

Rick Taylor

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