Am Dienstag, den 28.08.2018, 13:48 +0300 schrieb חיים רוזנר:
> First Problem:
> When I write Hebrew and numbers together, the numbers always get some
> \beginL and \endL around them.
> For example:
> מטריצות {\beginL 3\endL}

This is by design, in order to get the direction right. Arguably, it
seems a bit odd and is not necessary with only one number (but that'll
be a bit more tricky to implement).

> That's not a big problem by itself. But when I do it in an inset,
> such as a Frame Title, I get this:
> \begin{frame}{מטריצות {\beginL \textcolor{blue}{\LARGE{}2}\endL}}
> And the number 2 does appear in incorrect Color and Size. There is no
> reason to change these Text Style properties, and the desired TeX is:
> \begin{frame}{מטריצות {\beginL 2\endL}}

Yes, this is a bug. I can reproduce. Please file a report at

> Second Problem:
> This problem is probably very similar to the first one. When I use
> the Only inset, I automatically get an Action inset. So I write there
> "2" because I want it to appear only on slide 2. But I get
> \only<{\beginL \textcolor{red}{2}\endL}>{נקודה}

This is fixed in LyX 2.3.

> Third problem:
> This problem is probably with Hebrew Beamer and has nothing to do
> with LyX. When I have an Enumerate environment or an Itemize one, and
> I want the Overlay Specification to be +-, and after the appropriate
> workaround from the above problems, I get the correct TeX:
> \begin{enumerate}[<+->]
> \item סעיף {\beginL 1\endL}
> \item סעיף {\beginL 2\endL}
> \item סעיף {\beginL 3\endL}
> \end{enumerate}
> Consecutively, in the pdf there are three slides. In the first slide
> I have the first item and the last one, any consecutive slide shows
> the next item, but the last item always shows up.

Yes, this looks like a beamer problem, not a LyX bug.


> Thanks,
> Haim
> -- 
> חיים שרגא רוזנר
> טבנקין 4
> רמת גן 5230247

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