Another nice aspect of cleveref is, that it automatically calls references
to appendix sections "appendix". This may become important, when I later
decide to move whole sections to the appendix.

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 3:32 PM Klaus-Dieter Bauer <> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 5:09 PM Richard Kimberly Heck <>
> wrote:
>> On 9/17/18 6:11 AM, Klaus-Dieter Bauer wrote:
>> > Thanks, I wasn't aware of \prettyref support :)
>> >
>> > For my purposes this fits the bill, as the commands seem to be
>> > effectively interchangeable and only really differ in how the
>> > formatting is determined.
>> > Well, except for a possibility to make \cref automatically capitalize
>> > at the beginning of sentences, as done by \prettyref, but I found that
>> > sentences rarely start with references anyway.
>> Well, refstyle does support the capitalization thing, and plurals too.
>> Is there some reason you don't want to use it?
>> Riki
> Mostly cross-compatibility with latex export/import and editing the plain
> latex later.
> The cleveref package currently implements the best logic, as it bases the
> formatting on the actual target of the reference, rather than the name of
> the label. For instance, if I decide to change a theorem to a result
> environment while end-formatting the plain LaTeX source, both refstyle and
> prettyref would either
>    - require replacing all references in the document (error-prone for
>    multi-file documents), or
>    - produce incorrectly formatted references.
> - Klaus

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