Am Dienstag, den 25.09.2018, 15:08 -0500 schrieb Paul Johnson:
> This seems like my LyX day to ask questions. Thanks for your help.
> We have some instructional web pages that have accompanying Beamer
> slides. It is a hassle to edit the web page and the Beamer slides,
> content goes out of sync.
> The idea hit me to write one document that can be exported as Beamer
> Slides or as a Beamer Article.  I've explored the details quite a bit
> and the process almost works smoothly. My preamble for slides has a
> lot of customized settings and LyX does not gracefully convert from
> Beamer slides to Beamer article as a result. I manually insert some
> code... I need the \mode<> statements to adjust for the output
> format.
> I control input for each format with \mode<presentation>{} and
> \mode<article>{}.  I find the back-and-forth transition mostly works.

I'd suggest to use two documents: the actual beamer document that
contains all the text and a portmanteau beamer-article file that
basically simply \includes the beamer document. Then you can add
specific preamble code to either document.

See beamer-article.lyx in examples as a model.

> However, there is one piece of conditional code where I need your
> help. A Beamer slide document  is declared like so
> \documentclass[english]{beamer}
> Because beamer is the class, then "\mode" is immediately available.
> However, the Beamer article is declared as an article:
> \documentclass[english]{article}
> Because the \mode macro is not available yet, I am not able to
> conditionalize setup statements for the article. I want to take the
> "BeamerArticle" preamble code and wrap inside \mode:

If you use the textclass "Article (Beamer)" (not "Article"), the
beamerarticle package will be loaded and \mode is defined.


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