Le 16/10/2018 à 09:48, subaochen a écrit :
Sorry, I have forgotten to set language to English, now the attached file sample.lyx maybe a minimal example?

This is an issue both on screen and in the PDF.

After "the second question", press return thrice (the first creates a new Definition entry, the second turns it into a plain paragraph, and the third adds a red line).

This cuts your description environment and lets you create a new one, but does not start a new paragraph (note that the screen display pretends that there is an indentation, this is a bug IMO).

Then, if you right-click on the red line that appeared and select "Paragraph Break", you have just what you want. I agree that this does not seems completely easy, but I probably overlooked another technique.

Otherwise the same can be obtained using the
  separator-insert parbreak
function, which can by bound for example to S-Return.


At 2018-10-16 15:39:05, "Dr Eberhard Lisse" <nos...@lisse.na> wrote:

This is not a minimal example.

It requires additional files (for Chinese characters I suppose) which
were not present on my machine, so I could not try.

Is this an issue on screen or in the PDF, or both?


On 16/10/2018 05:34, subaochen wrote:
hi all,

please refer to sample.lyx in the attachment, I want an indentation to
the paragraph just after the description list, but how?  I have tried
"Alt+P+Return" but failed, any suggestions?  Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Su Baochen

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